Saturday, November 6, 2010

In honor of 100 followers... a giveaway!

And the winner is...................... PinkTiger of!  Congrats :)

And you don't have to do anything except comment on this blog post.   This will be open to all from today, Nov. 6th to Nov. 13 2010.

So... I made these for halloween and have them left over.  If you are big on cute/spooky these are just for you!  They don't have to be for halloween.  To read the write up about them just click on the picture.

So when you comment, if you are an anonymous commenter just make sure you leave your email address or your etsy shop or some other way for me to get a hold of you in case you win.

I will be doing a random draw for these on Nov. 13th 2010.

Thanks everyone for the follows!  Enjoy :)


  1. I'm in! We have trick or treet on November 11th here in the Netherlands. It's not about scarry things like halloween but kids do go around the neighbourhood after dark carying lantarns and singing a song for some candy. I know they'll love these little cards on their bag of sweets!


  2. Sweet treat tags. Hooray for 100 that rocks!!

  3. These are TOO cute!! I am always so impressed of your creativity! I wish I was 1/2 as creative as you...can you just send some creativity waves my way? LOL

  4. Lovely tags 42! would love the chance to win them :) they'd be perfect for next halloween!

  5. Alright! I almost forgot about this... sorry!

    I'm going to close commenting now and do the draw.
